A brand new musical EP from Alaska in Winter recorded on 20 very limited edition microcassette tapes- Listen to the unanswered cries of "Suicide Prevention Hotline" on your answering machine phone!
Buy One Now!!! http://alaskainwinter.bigcartel.com/

Or on this hand held analogue divice...
Or if you're an ebay master, then bump it on a micro cassette boombox like this one!
Or just get one cause they're rad and only 20 hand made! Plus you get a message in a bottle from Brandon

Side A:
01. Forever Twenty-One Gun Salute (micro version)
02. Demons
03. Dancing With Death (mirco version)
Side B:
04. Divine Miscalculations
05. Downward Spiral Dial Tone (micro version)
buy it!!!